Finding you the perfect place in France
Based in Carcassonne
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Looking to Buy or Rent in France ... simply search and contact the owner or agent directly.
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If you have a property for Sale or Rent in France you can add it to our site. We are offering a special rate of only €19.99 to the first 500 properties listed.
Exact Map Locations
Every property on this site is in the location where you find the pin. This will save you finding out that a property is not actually in the town you wanted but a village 20 mins away. We confirm pins are accurately placed and for rentals we confirm owners contact details.
Buying in France/Selling in France
Buying a House in France
Advice and Tips when buying a house in France. Whether it is your holiday home or your main home we can offer tips and advice when making a purchase of a property in France.
Selling a House in France
We offer advice and help for anyone wishing to sell a house or property in France. This can sometimes be a long process, we can help you make it a quicker one!
Buying to Renovate
If you are buying to renovate in France we offer a must read guide to help you before you begin. It is a more difficult process here if you do not speak the language and still a challenging process even if you do.
Mortgage Applications and Insurance in France
Finding the property to buy is the first step but what if you need to apply for a Mortgage in France. How to go about this process and some basic advice.
Property Price Report for 2019
A report on the property prices in France for 2018. Some guideline prices based on market reports for the year 2018. To be used as a guide only, when buying or selling your property.
General Advice for Living or Holidaying in France
Advice for property owners in France. Where to go for electricity, water, gas and various other useful pieces of information.